Miss Mamawa L. Fofana of Baltimore, Maryland captured the Miss Liberia in the US Title on Friday,July 27 2007 Thirteen young Liberian women from all across the US graced the stage of the Philadelphia Convention center to compete the coveted Miss Liberia in the US Crown!!!
At 7pm the hall of the convention center began to fill with VIP's, members of the press, family, freinds, and well wishers.
By 8pm, the pageant doors closed and the preliminary interviews began. After the interviews the doors were opened and the pageant was underway. The hall filled with excitement as 13 beautiful ladies from across the United States graced the stage, competing for prestigious Miss Liberia in the US title . It was definately a celebration of true Liberian beauty, style and intelligence.
By 8pm, the pageant doors closed and the preliminary interviews began. After the interviews the doors were opened and the pageant was underway. The hall filled with excitement as 13 beautiful ladies from across the United States graced the stage, competing for prestigious Miss Liberia in the US title . It was definately a celebration of true Liberian beauty, style and intelligence.
The Queens included Victoria Wehjla of Rhode Island , Elenora Gbeh Peter of Virginia , Rosetta D. Reeves of Georgia, Mawata Fofana of Maryland and Rona Princess Remmie of Missouri . Others are Mawata Dunbar-Youboty of Pennsylvania , Patrice N. Njoh of Michigan , Aicha Cooper of Minnesota , Gwendolyn Mensah of North Carolina , Monique Verdelle Cooper of Oklahoma , Vera Lucille Kargbo of Delaware , Marveltha Mensah of New Jersey and Liamoh P. Thomas of California
The featured entertainer was none other than the Sierra Leone sensation Emerson!!! He totally had entire crowd on its feet as he preformed his lastest hit Tutu Party!!!
The queens were beautiful and incredibly fascinating and they displayed intelligence, grace, wit, and ambition, traits which attracted hundreds in the audience Friday night. The queens displayed their individual talents to the delight of the crowd. The talent competition this year was showcased various preformances such as, a pianst, saxaphonist, a broadway dancer, tradional Liberian cultral dancing, jazz contemporary dancing, engaging monolouges, and dynamic singers.
The contestants lit up the stage in some of the most beautiful and original their African attire and evening wear. They were also interviewed, in which the winner performed outstandingly. At the end of the evening, It was Miss Maryland Mamawa L Fofana won the title and received a scholarship check of $2,500, a dell laptop computer and boat load of other prizes.
Special Awards Miss North Carolina swept the Miss Photogenic, Class and Style as well as the 2007 LUWIP Commericial Award, Miss Pennsylania received the Miss Congentiality award and the 2007 Edith Bargor Award went to Rona Princess Remmie of Missouri.
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