When I started this blog almost 2 years ago I promised myself that would faithfully monitor this blog and discourage any bashing of any contestant be it from fellow contestants or readers.
Normally I do get great posts the that leave postive messages and words of ecouragement to pageant queen. However this week I received my first post from and anonymous reader that bashes a pageant queen. I decided I would share this with you and address this issue right away.
It reads "Miss Liberia Org, you needs to step up your game Miss Liberia 2007 looks so plain and I dare say unattractive........... YOU MUST HAVE MORE ATTRACTIVE LIBERIAN GIRLS"
Dear Anonynmous
Let me point out a few things to you .
The Miss Liberia in the US Pageant is not pageant system that classifies themselves a "beauty pageant"
If you look at their pageant criteria judges look at the following categories:
African Wear
Evening Wear
Talent and...
Interview (this category is weighted the heeaviest)
No where in the entire book do they judge on a contestants attractivness or physical beauty
I guess the organization finds others characteristics to be more important than just transparent and fleeting beauty. Personally I am quite happy that the organization holds other qualities in higher regard. Besides what's the use of having a Miss Liberia who is just a pretty face and is as dense as a brick and has no talent ?
However if you are looking around just to find some attractive Liberian Girls. Their are lot of websites and calendars that posts attractive Liberian girls all the time. Pick one up. However if you are looking for Liberian women who posses more substance and have more to offer than just a pretty face. Then the Miss Liberia in the US Pageant is where it's at!!!:)
Last of all. This blog is to promote the positive things the Miss Liberia in the US State and Nationals Queens as well at other "reputable Liberian and African Pageants and their Queens" This blog is a place of upliftment and postive recognition. It disturbs me that you say something so cruel that will affect a young lady who is positve, intelligent, vibrant, and who is making a difference her community. It would disturb me even more if you were a fellow Liberian. The mere fact that you would post something like this (anonymous or not) speaks a lot about your character and you have personal issues that you need to come to grips with.
To Miss Liberia 2007. There's a lot of people in this world who will say or post things that may be hurtful and spitful without even thinking on how or whom it will affect. However, I know you can handle it because you are Miss Liberia USA and Miss Liberia USA can handle anything.
Stay BeautifulGem Diva
PS: I think I need to reitterate an excerpt from my very first post.
This blog space provides a forum where you can promote your events, queens and find out the lastest news about Liberian state and national pageants. Please feel free to add comments, post pictures, and disucuss various issues about the pageant industry. This space will be monitored so please be kind and discreet with your comments. I hope this tool helps you to prepare for your upcoming events. Contestants and pageants enthusiasts, feel free to ask questions and add comments as well.BASHING ON THIS SPACE WILL NOT BE TOLERATEDThank you.