Thursday, October 12, 2006

The women of LUWIP: Serving the Liberian Community

The Women of the LUWIP, the producers of the Official Miss Liberia in the US pageant, were the host of the Grand UULA conference held in Philadelphia PA. This is the time when Liberian Associations from all across the US come together to have their various meetings and seminars but most importantly, to vote in the new officers of the Union.

LUWIP served as the hospitality host and caterers to hundreds of
Liberians from around the United States. As members and delegate went into various meetings and conferences, the ladies provided the massive crowd with breakfast, lunch, and huge banquet buffet dinner that was served at the UULA Gala Ball. All the delicious fare for the evening was prepared by LUWIP member Ms. Wata Chenoweth.

I had a chance to speak to the President of LUWIP Miss Edith
Wilson. "We have a very unique group of women in LUWIP each individual has their own special gift. The rest of the organization supports each woman in using whatever gift they may possess. By doing that it empowers that woman and makes our organization even stronger. "

We also have to lead by example. By getting involved in community service, it shows our queens and future queens how to be productive women in the Liberian society.

By the end of the conference the UULA Organization voted in the Emmanuel Wettee and the Georgia Selli Team as the new officers of the Union. Everyone seemed happy and joyous with the outcome.

The members of LUWIP are grateful that they could contribute to make this event a success.

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