The weekend of the 26 of August was filled excitement, thought provoking issues, and a renewed sense of hope. As Liberian Professionals from all around the US came together. To disscuss important issues and oppourtunities in Liberia at the Visions 2006 Expo held at the Marriott Inn Confrence Center in Aldephi Maryland.

The Weekend Started on Friday Evening and Panelist Sponsors and Honored guest attended a Welcome reception. The outgoing President of the organization Dr. Albert B. Coleman, thanked the audience for their support and briefed the audience about the upcoming weekend activities. The of the evening was spent networking and meeting other Liberians professionals. Mr Boniface Satu President of the Liberian Association Maryland DC Chapter. Expressed his enthusiam to see such a event take place. "It is time for Liberians here in the United States to come together to donate their time and expertise in creating a better Liberia."

The Expo officially started at 9am on Saturday. The confrence center gradually filled with panelist, vendors, sponsors,and children. Miss Liberia in the US Ro-Pauline K. Doe arrived at 9am to attend the talks .There was an activity for every age group. In the plava hut sessions, the issued that were address were as follows...Education Policy for the New Liberia Making it relevant to today's Liberian Youth, The tribal dual citizenship and emigrant vs. stay home Liberian divison, The Open door policy...Indentifying New Directions, and the role of women in Africa and World Development.

When the attendees broke for lunch in the vendor hall were sponsors set up display of the various business and organizations among these were T,Nelson Williams Human Resource Consultant, Liberia's Legacy Foundation, Dr Patience Williams MD among others. The Kendehjah restaurant and lounge provided a sampler buffet of various Liberian dishes for the guests.
After lunch the attendees went back into the palava hut sessions the talks continued on until 5pm

Later on that evening the Guest retuned for a most elegeant Dinner Gala, Among the Guests were Mr Ambassador Mr Charles A Minor Mr Richard Tolbert National Investment Council
Members of the Crowd 50 Organizations,various sponsors,supporters and well wishers. During the event, the new officers of the organization was installed. Miss Liberia in the US address the audience on her platform HIV/Aids Awareness in Liberia and Miss Liberia Maryland was awarded a plaque for her sponsorship and support for Visions 2006.