Liberian Pageants:How did you feel when found out you were chosen as Miss Liberia Rhode Island?
Miss Liberia RI:The moment I realized that I had become Miss Liberia Rhode Island I was ecstatic. Not only was I excited but I was also honored that the liberians in my community had accepted me as their queen.
Liberian Pageants:As Miss Liberia Rhode Island what is your platform?
Miss Liberia RI: As Miss Liberia RI my platform is to promote youth empowerment and advocate non-violence.
Liberian Pageants: How have you been able to promote your platform in your community?
Miss Liberia RI:I am in the process of putting together a weekend program for teenage girls in the Liberian communtiy. I plan to run this program throughout the entire school year. In this program I plan to help guide the young ladies to a more successful future, by teaching them how powerful females have become world-wide, as well as helping with everyday issues that may occur in their lives. I am also working together with the Liberian Association on the annual "REAL TALK" non- violence convention which will be held Oct 27-28
Liberian Pageants:How did your relate to your fellow contestants.
Miss Liberia RI: Being that the Miss Liberia RI and Miss Liberia US are the only pageants I've ever paticipated in, as well as considering the results of each event. My pageant experience has been phenomenal!! What I enjoyed most about competing in Philidelphia was the companionship between the other queens and myself. It felt good to be surrounded by a group of beautiful, intelligent, young Liberian women like myself. Honestly, it was an experience I will forever remember and appreciate
Liberian Pageants: What was your biggest challenge preparing for the National Competiton
Miss Liberia RI:The biggest challenge for me was mental preparation. I worked hard everyday to make sure that I did my best, but you always have to be open to other options. In a competition you never know what to expect. The only way to keep a good confidence level, is to prepare for the good and the bad, this way you'll never really be disappointed in yourself. That, will always get you ready for the next obstacle your life has ahead.
Liberian Pageants: Now that the war is over back home, Liberians are looking forward to the New Liberia. The oppourtunities are endless and there is so much work to be done. How do you intend to use your state crown to help with the developement of the New Liberia???
Miss Liberia RI:When the funds become available I would like to host charity events, and fashion shows. I plan to use my crown to my advantage, as well as the high population of Liberians in Rhode Island to raise funds for the rebuilding of our New Liberia.
Liberian Pageants: As a state queen you are seen as a role model to the Liberian youth in Rhode Island . Tell me. What do you feel is the biggest challenge facing the Liberian Youth today??
Miss Liberia RI: If I could place a finger and state that one problem the Liberian youth face today was the biggest, I would. Living in the world we live in today, the problems we face come from an array of issues and none are more important than the other. I do feel that family and school should be the most important aspect of one's life today. Many Liberian families are dividing among themselves as well as neighboring african countries, and, we the youth are subconsciously taught to divide amongst oursleves. That alone is a major problem in itself. Also alot of the liberian youth are now increasing the drop-out rate, that can be detrimental to our future not only as liberians but as black people.
Liberian Pageants: What would you like to tell young ladies who are considering to participate in the next Miss Liberia Rhode Island State Pageant?
Miss Liberia RI: I would tell them to stop considering and just do it. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. Not only will it boost your self-esteem but it will also give you the opportunity to learn new things about yourself, your country's origin, and other people as well.
Liberian Pageants:When your reign as Miss Liberia Rhode Island ends, how would you like to be remembered?
Miss Liberia RI: I would like to be remembered as Oteeven E. Diggs, Miss Liberia RI 2006, not just Miss Liberia RI 2006. I would like for the people to remember that even before and after my reign I stayed true to them, myself and my title. I want them to remember that even with all the attention and spotlight I Oteeven E. Diggs will always be me with or without my title. (I'll always have my crown)