Sunday, January 07, 2007

Contestant's Lounge: Your Pageant Application (The start of any pageant begins with your application)

Okay. So you have decided to participate in an upcoming pageant. Congratulations! However, when does the competition really begin? In my view it begins the moment you start filling out your application. This form as little as it may seem, has the potential to make or break your chances for capturing that crown. Let’s take a closer look.
The application is indeed your first chance to make an impression on the judges. Before any judge has a chance to see you in your swimsuit or evening gown; or even hear your interview, your little application is lying before them. Your application allows the judges find out the backgrounds of contestants. What is your application saying about you? Here is a list of things that contribute to a poor application.

1. Your application needs to be filled out by you and you alone.
I cannot tell you how dangerous this is. You would assume that every contestant fills out there own application however that is not always the case. By not filling out your own application, you run the risk of not being able to answer question that may arise from your application. That can lead to total disaster on the stage.

2. Proper grammar and spelling is very important.
Taking out time to check for grammar and spelling. Shows good command of grammar, organization, and that thought was put into the preparation of the document.

3. Be truthful about all information on you application.
What clubs and organizations do you belong to? If you were to be crown Miss Local/State/National how will you make a difference in your community? Be prepared to tell a judge at anytime what organizations you belong. If you abbreviated the name on the application be prepared to tell judges know the full names on any organizations that you may belong to. The application may ask you to briefly describe your platform. Take out time to chose a platform and then write in a brief description of it. However, before that pageant takes place that brief platform needs to be fully developed. To sum this all up, be prepared to elaborate on any and all parts of your application as needed.

4. Here are some suggestions for filling you pageant application.
When you receive you application, don’t be in such a rush to fill it out. Make a copy of your application. Take out time to assess each question that is posed to you. Write your first responses on the copied version. Make any changes that that need to be made on that copy. If sending application through email, review the questions and write out your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Only when you are satisfied with your responses fill out your application. Have someone else help go over it for punctuation and spelling errors. Before submitting your application, make a copy. It may be months before the actual competition. Before the pageant, you will want to have a copy of what you sent them. Familiarize yourself will all the responses on your application and have your platform fully developed.

This may seem at lot to do for one application. However taking out the time to fill out your application properly will go a long way in saving you from unwanted stress. You never know, a properly filled out application may be the factor that gets you the crown!!!

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