The 2007 Miss Liberia Pensylvania Pageant was definately a night filled with elegance excitement and suprizes.
The room was filled with VIP's and Special Guests. Among these people was the Miss Liberia of the Republic of Liberia Miss Patrice Juah who was accompanied by Miss Macedella Cooper, founder of the Macedella

The night started out with 6 contestants meeting with judges for the preliminary interview. This 3 minute session with each contestant gave the judges an oppourtunity to get to know each contestant.
After preliminaries were done, the pageant was offlically underway. The ladies graced the stage with some of most spectualar African attire I

Next, the Ladies took to the stage in their swimwear. The ladies sparkled as they struted on stage to the music in their signature white swim attire.
The talent competiton was definately the highlight for the evening for me. The preformances were fresh, well delivered and quite original.
Next the contestants went on to enteratain the audience by doing a group skit which involved the outgoing Miss Liberia PA Ro Pauline K Doe

It was on to the Evening Wear competion and the final interview question which was given by Miss Macedella Cooper.
After the judges submmttied their scores and the tabulation was complete, it was none other than Miss Mawata Dunbar who captured the Pennsylvania crown.

Check Back for more detalis and pics from the PA and the Rhode Island Pageants